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A stiff, old Lady, owned by a stiff, old Lady

I work at PetSmart in Dubuque and have a lot of dealings with the Jackson County Humane Society. In September of 2011, the president invited me to see their facility. When we got to the quarantine kennels, I met “her.” She was a 9 year old German Boxer who had been a breeder for some bad pet parents. Her body was so disfigured. Her nipples were longer than my fingers. The only word to describe them were “udders.” She had been unable to stop bleeding after her last litter of puppies and was dumped on the street. When I met her, she still had blood running out of her. As if that wasn’t enough, she had no fur on her backside from untreated allergies. I adopted her immediately. When I describe her to people, I tell them honestly, she was the most God-awful looking dog I had ever seen. I didn’t even know if she liked other dogs (I had 2), cats (I had 2) or if she could walk steps (I live on the 2nd floor) but that didn’t matter. She was now mine. I named her Anika which mean sweetness of face.

I’ve switched to calling her Nubby since then. The fact that her “nubby” of a tail never stops, is what people notice most about her. In Fall of 2012 I attended a seminar given by Dr. Woodford regarding canine chiropractic and a “light-bulb” went off. I’m an “old girl” with stiff joints and I see a chiropractor. Why shouldn’t Nubby? The next day, Dr. Woodford called to let me know she had a cancellation and could get Nubby in. For the first few treatments, she only had chiropractic as we improved her movement.

Then we added acupuncture and magnawave to improve her overall health. The improvement has been nothing short of amazing. At 10 ½ years old now, Nubby’s visits to work always bring forth comments about how great she looks and moves.  At home she used to go up one step at a time, now she runs up them along with her siblings who are 1/10 her age. As I stand behind her, I think that even her Nubby tail moves easier….


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