Hi, my name is Becky and I’m from Forest City, IA. I can’t say enough great things about Dr. Christine. She came into my life at a time when I thought there was no hope for my 13 year old Beagle Molly.
Molly is an active beagle. She still acts like a pup and loves her walks, but the morning of April 8, 2016 she was having problems walking. When I returned home at noon, she started to drag her back legs around and was not able to stand at all! I called my local vet office and explained what was going on. They had me bring her in immediately. My vet did a few tests on Molly. She had some feeling for she felt pain and they told me surgery was an option but with her age I really didn’t think that was going to be an option for me. I was already dreading the next words that I knew were going to come out of her mouth….I’d have to let her go.
Molly is just more than a pet to me, she’s my baby girl and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her….Dr. Ranes could see how upset I was and said we could put Molly on some medications & see what happens. She also mentioned that some people had taken their dogs for acupuncture and chiropractic treatments and have had some good luck with that. I thought it might be worth a shot. Dr. Ranes gave me Dr. Christine’s card and I called the next day. To my surprise I could bring her in that day. I have to say my husband and sons thought I was crazy and tried to talk me into just letting her go, I wouldn’t hear of it… I was going to give it a try!
Of course I wasn’t expecting a miracle but was hopeful this would help with Molly’s pain and swelling. I chose to continue a few more treatments and see what happened. Each treatment I could see some improvement. Molly still wasn’t walking but she could stand (with help) for almost a minute!! Three weeks had passed by and she started to lose control of her bladder. I thought this might be the end. I contemplated ending the treatments. I called Dr. Christine to let her know what was happening for we had a treatment later that afternoon. She felt that the medications she was on may be contributing to her bladder issues and encouraged me to come to our next treatment. Boy, I’m glad I did….for Molly started standing and walking by herself after that treatment. She wasn’t real steady but it was awesome… I cried, I was so HAPPY!! And her bladder issues seemed to be ok again when all the medications were out of her system.
We are now having treatments once a month and I see improvement every day. I still can’t believe Molly’s progress in just a little over 3 months. I couldn’t be happier with Dr. Christine. Not only can I take Molly to her Marion office, but she also has locations that are a lot closer for me and the appointment times are VERY accommodating to my schedule. If you ever find yourself in the same situation as I did with Molly, PLEASE don’t give up hope & give Dr. Christine a try….I’m so glad I did!