Lulu spent the first 4 years of her life in a hoarder’s dark shed filled with uncountable other dogs and in filthy conditions without any human contact. The Humane Society rescued the dogs and Lulu was one of the group who’s physical health was stable enough to be given a chance for adoption. She was adopted twice. The first time she stayed hidden in the new owner’s closet and was returned to the Humane Society for that reason. When she was adopted a second time she panicked and ran away from her new owners when a door was left open. She was hiding outside and ate what she could find on the streets. She was seen multiple times, but it took months before someone was able to catch her and return her to the Humane Society once again. I was volunteering there at that time and overheard that due to the fact that she was just too scared of humans and her overall fear of everything she was declared “not adoptable” and that she would be euthanized. I immediately asked for a chance to foster her. Needless to say that I fell in love with her and after a short period of time decided to adopt her. At first she was so nervous and fearful that stepping on a twig or leaf would make her jump in fear. We also had to whisper for months, because “normal” volume of speech scared her. She slowly started to get out of her shell and we can speak normal and walk outside with her. The love she gives is just amazing. The last 8 years were wonderful. I always say that we are soul mates. She saved me at least as much as I saved her. I live in the country with 4 other (rescued) dogs and cats, and have lots of space for her to run and a timber for walks.
It was Memorial day 2016, when I was sitting in the living room and noticed her slowly crawl up to me using only her front two legs. I do not know what happened. She was hardly able to move at all. I immediately called my Veterinarian. Bloodtests were done and radiographs were taken. Nothing obvious was seen on the radiographs, therefor I had to make the decision then and there, if I would take her to the University of Wisconsin Veterinary Hospital for MRI and possible surgery, or if I wanted to try medications and other options. Due to her mental sensitivity, fearfulness and age I decided not to go to Madison. My veterinarian started medications immediately and also did class 4 laser rehab treatments. She also recommended to look into acupuncture and gave me Dr. Christine’s name. I was seen the day after I called. Dr. Christine started acupuncture, Magna Wave, stretching and chiropractic treatment, and I could hardly believe my eyes: when she was done that day Lulu was able to move her head both ways and sit up in a more relaxed position. Lulu had only been able to lay down and move her head to the right before that.The most important improvement I saw was that she had the twinkle back in her eyes. She was happy again! After each and every one of Dr. Christine’s treatments Lulu conquered/conquers milestone improvements. It has been about 3 ½ months since starting treatment from Dr. Christine. Lulu can now get up and stand, stay standing and even walk (!) when on grass ground. She has been off medication since weeks. I had mentally prepared for the worst (and even purchased a canine wheelchair for Lulu) but my expectations where just blown away. Lulu is 12, and no spring chicken, but her quality of life is 100 percent back to where it was before her collapse 4 months ago – maybe even better. She is visibly happier then ever and I will forever be grateful to Dr. Christine Woodford (VIPs).