Equine Testimonials

Teresa and Bug

In early September 2020, my horse slipped and fell on wet arena footing and presented lame. After exhausting all other methods of treatment, and still no results, I received a recommendation to try chiropractic care, enter Dr. Woodford. Dr. Woodford saw my horse for the first time in November of 2020 and did a very… Read more “Teresa and Bug”

Vegas, Joey, Rhett and Ruby


VIPsvet is very fortunate to be able to treat Lindsay’s whole critter family! Lindsay first came to visit us for saddle fit issues and now brings all her horses for at least a yearly adjustment. Lindsay believes all her horses ride much better when maintained by Dr. Christine’s adjustments. She also does stretches for them… Read more “Vegas, Joey, Rhett and Ruby”




Fly is an 11 year old mare that I compete in Barrel Racing.  Fly and I starting barrel racing in 2015 and had a great first year. The fall came and we gave her the winter off.  When we started conditioning her in the spring we noticed that she was not her normal self. She… Read more “Fly”

Matt K.

Gator and Axle

Gator / Axle

My name is Lucy Lewis and I am 15 years old. I have two show horses that I show in Pinto Horse Association. My first horse Gator, Suddenly Im Good, is a 10-year-old paint pinto gelding. I have owned Gator for six years. My second horse Axle, Im Axle Rose, is an 8-year-old paint pinto… Read more “Gator and Axle”

Lucy L.

Mezi and Tater

Mezi and Tater

I have been doing Powderpuff Chuckwagon racing for many years. Normally, the gals drive teams that are supplied by the wagon owners. For the past 7 years, I have owned my horses for my powderpuff team. I’m very particular about my horses, and this allows me to control the care and know when one of… Read more “Mezi and Tater”

June R.



Mia is a 14 year old QH mare. I’ve had her since she was born. So needless to say she is very special to me and yes a little spoiled. She is normally a very sweet girl, so last May 2015 when she was cranky and started rubbing her head and face all the time… Read more “Mia”




Last year at the World Show, we got down there and Roy just wasn’t quite “right”. I had called my husband the night before my main class and said I didn’t think I’d get him shown as he was not feeling himself. It’s a lot on these horses (trailering for hours, being rode a tad… Read more “Roy”




Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of great horses and some fantastic equine support staff. After all these years, I consider most show horses pretty easy to manage and keep in the condition physically and mentally to perform their best. That is, until the summer of 2013. My… Read more “Cooter”




Our family has been using the services of Veterinary Integrative Performance Services (VIPs) for over 7 years now. We cannot thank Christine Woodford, the certified animal chiropractor and acupuncturist, enough for how she has made our horses and dogs life more comfortable through her services. Jay, our 16year old POA gelding has been one of… Read more “Jay”

The Grosse Family



Sage is an aged gelding that sustained an injury to his shoulder in February. His veterinarian diagnosed him with Sweeney. Sweeney shoulder in horses occurs when there is damage to the suprascapular nerve that controls the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Triceps muscles. Injury causes atrophy or “wasting away” of the muscles of the shoulder due to… Read more “Sage”




  Viper is a 4year old, American Quarter Horse shown in Reining. He has been occasionally “off” ever since he was a weanling. In 2014, Viper was diagnosed with navicular. We have attempted several treatments, all with varying degrees of success. Nothing has shown a change in him as quickly as the acupuncture therapy with… Read more “Viper”

Nikki R.

Vinnie and Dierks

vinnie and dierks

Anmial Name: Vinnie 3 year old wp gelding, Dierks 6 year old all around qh gelding Description of Services: I sought your services for issues with Dierks being sore and not always being sound. Then was such a great service that after I lost Dierks continued to bring vinnie so he could always feel his… Read more “Vinnie and Dierks”



Jade is a big, beautiful, grey Quarter Horse. She is 5 years old and Susan shows her in Western and English. We started seeing Jade in July of 2014 when she was tripping a lot and lame upfront. Susan felt like Jade’s shoulders were out. When Dr. Christine examined Jade she discovered the not only… Read more “Jade”

Susan B.



I first met Dr. Christine at the Iowa horse fair a few years ago. I had just bought my AQHA mare “Vega” a few months prior. I was having a hard time getting Vega to transition smoothly from a trot to a lope. Dr. Christine was giving a clinic and I was very impressed by… Read more “Vega”

Teresa M., Keokuk, Iowa

Penny and Reno


Penny, our 8 year old AQHA/APHA mare, was diagnosed with navicular syndrome at age 5. From the initial diagnosis, Dr. Christine has been an integral part of our strategy to manage the disease, alleviate the pain and slow the progression. We believe in the application of traditional veterinary medicine as well as alternative therapies to… Read more “Penny and Reno”

Cindy H.


Last fall I purchased a 19 year old retired rope horse that I wanted to use on trails. He is a registered paint but looks all Quarter Horse. His name is Neo. My best friend had him since he was 3. She has been roping on him all the time that she owned him. I… Read more “Neo”



Dr. Woodford has a reputation of being one of the best horse veterinarians in the state of Iowa. She is very forward thinking and is an equine dentist. To me having a veterinarian who is also an equine dentist is very important, especially with an older horse. Red was a rescue and had never had… Read more “Red”

Patti C.

Red River Ranch

Red River

Dr Woodford has been taking care of my horses and horses in my care for several years. I can honestly say that without Dr Woodford on “our team” our horses would not be as successful as they have been. Whether it is diagnoses of lameness and chiropractic treatments, acupuncture or Magnawave-Dr. Woodford has been a… Read more “Red River Ranch”

Jan B.


My name is Elyse Buysse and I am 15 years old. My horse AJ is a 7 year old buckskin gelding. This is my 5th year of showing horses. This winter I participated in the Kirkwood Community College Student Saddle Club Winter Series horse shows at the Iowa Equestrian Center sponsored by Abraham’s Equine Clinic.… Read more “AJ”

Elyse B.


Three years ago, I purchased a rescued OTTB who had been retrained as a hunter. When Ritz was delivered to the stable, we all were taken aback by this skeletal patchwork of a 16.3 Thoroughbred that carefully backed out of the trailer. Never wasting resources, the stable owner had Ritz saddled immediately and put through… Read more “Ritz”

Gina S.

Buckles awards

Satuday, October 27, 2012 was last Sort and Pen event for the season at Shelbyville, MO. Buckles were awarded for the fastest time of the night and it just so happened that the team that won were all 3 horses that Dr. Christine Woodford works on and keeps in good form. Fastest time on 3… Read more “Buckles awards”



Two years ago I was having some problems with my barrel horse, Orville. I came to Dr. Christine and she treated him with chiropractic and acupuncture. It really helped him to relax, stretch and help pin point some other issues. He was working well and feeling great. I wanted to keep his great attitude and… Read more “Orville”

Natalie F.


Just wanted to thank you for the chiropractic treatment you gave Evan earlier this week. Got to ride him for the first time since our visit and he was FANTASTIC! I didn’t have to do any of my usual tricks to keep him balanced. And, since he was more balanced he seemed more relaxed. So,… Read more “Evan”


Western Pleasure Horse

We have been perplexed for the last year or so with a very talented young western pleasure horse that would occasionally exhibit a “short” or “lazy” step at the jog. We had his hocks and stifles x-rayed and even sent off to a specialist. Nothing physically could be found to explain this way of going.… Read more “Western Pleasure Horse”

Sue V.



Mia is a 14 year old QH mare. I’ve had her since she was born. So needless to say she is very special to me and yes a little spoiled. She is normally a very sweet girl, so last May 2015 when she was cranky and started rubbing her head and face all the time… Read more “Mia”




Last year at the World Show, we got down there and Roy just wasn’t quite “right”. I had called my husband the night before my main class and said I didn’t think I’d get him shown as he was not feeling himself. It’s a lot on these horses (trailering for hours, being rode a tad… Read more “Roy”




Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of great horses and some fantastic equine support staff. After all these years, I consider most show horses pretty easy to manage and keep in the condition physically and mentally to perform their best. That is, until the summer of 2013. My… Read more “Cooter”




Our family has been using the services of Veterinary Integrative Performance Services (VIPs) for over 7 years now. We cannot thank Christine Woodford, the certified animal chiropractor and acupuncturist, enough for how she has made our horses and dogs life more comfortable through her services. Jay, our 16year old POA gelding has been one of… Read more “Jay”

The Grosse Family



Sage is an aged gelding that sustained an injury to his shoulder in February. His veterinarian diagnosed him with Sweeney. Sweeney shoulder in horses occurs when there is damage to the suprascapular nerve that controls the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Triceps muscles. Injury causes atrophy or “wasting away” of the muscles of the shoulder due to… Read more “Sage”




Viper is a 4year old, American Quarter Horse shown in Reining. He has been occasionally “off” ever since he was a weanling. In 2014, Viper was diagnosed with navicular. We have attempted several treatments, all with varying degrees of success. Nothing has shown a change in him as quickly as the acupuncture therapy with Dr.… Read more “Viper”

Nikki Rowe

Vinnie and Dierks


Anmial Name: Vinnie 3 year old wp gelding, Dierks 6 year old all around qh gelding Description of Services: I sought your services for issues with Dierks being sore and not always being sound. Then was such a great service that after I lost Dierks continued to bring vinnie so he could always feel his… Read more “Vinnie and Dierks”


Jade is a big, beautiful, grey Quarter Horse. She is 5 years old and Susan shows her in Western and English. We started seeing Jade in July of 2014 when she was tripping a lot and lame upfront. Susan felt like Jade’s shoulders were out. When Dr. Christine examined Jade she discovered the not only… Read more “Jade”

Susan B.



I first met Dr. Christine at the Iowa horse fair a few years ago. I had just bought my AQHA mare “Vega” a few months prior. I was having a hard time getting Vega to transition smoothly from a trot to a lope. Dr. Christine was giving a clinic and I was very impressed by… Read more “Vega”

Teresa M. Keokuk, Iowa

Penny and Reno

penny and reno

Penny, our 8 year old AQHA/APHA mare, was diagnosed with navicular syndrome at age 5. From the initial diagnosis, Dr. Christine has been an integral part of our strategy to manage the disease, alleviate the pain and slow the progression. We believe in the application of traditional veterinary medicine as well as alternative therapies to… Read more “Penny and Reno”

Cindy H. Hickory Grove Ranch



Last fall I purchased a 19 year old retired rope horse that I wanted to use on trails. He is a registered paint but looks all Quarter Horse. His name is Neo. My best friend had him since he was 3. She has been roping on him all the time that she owned him. I… Read more “Neo”




Dr. Woodford has a reputation of being one of the best horse veterinarians in the state of Iowa. She is very forward thinking and is an equine dentist. To me having a veterinarian who is also an equine dentist is very important, especially with an older horse. Red was a rescue and had never had… Read more “Red”

Patti C.

Red River Ranch


Dr Woodford has been taking care of my horses and horses in my care for several years. I can honestly say that without Dr Woodford on “our team” our horses would not be as successful as they have been. Whether it is diagnoses of lameness and chiropractic treatments, acupuncture or Magnawave-Dr. Woodford has been a… Read more “Red River Ranch”

Jan B.



I got Captain about 5 months ago. He is a 9 year old off the track Thoroughbred. Captain had about 2 years off before I got him, since then he has been put back into heavy work/training. I could tell he was having back pain and was very sore. He was pinning his ears back… Read more “Captain”

Myra Crawford Show Horses


Myra C. Show Horses is located in Elberon, Iowa. We specialize in halter and long line. I enjoy working with clients and their horses to achieve their showing goals. I have shown multiple futurity winners and medallion earners. My most recent accomplishments are 2011 Reserve World Champion Non Pro Longe Liner, 2012 Reserve World Champion… Read more “Myra Crawford Show Horses”

Myra C.



Willy is a 10 year old quarter horse. He means the world to me and we enjoy barrel racing together. He sometimes gets tight in his poll, neck and back as a lot of barrel horses do. I am very diligent about keeping Willy feeling his best so I take him to Dr. Christine for… Read more “Willy”



It may seem odd to some that I would write a testimonial for Dr. Christine when I am employed by her. Of course, I am going to say something good! Well, I can remember when she first told me that she was going to pursue animal chiropractic. I said, “I don’t believe in that! How… Read more “Gracie”

Carla B.



Allie is a 12 year old Pinto. We enjoy trail riding. This winter Allie started to rush into her canter. She also would try to bite me when saddling. I wanted to rule out any physical pain. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Christine for a chiropractic adjustment. Allie threw a fit during most of… Read more “Allie”

Nikki T.



Rhymer is a 10 year old Warmblood. I have had Rhymer about 6 months. Three months ago, he starting kicking out at the canter departs. He was visibly very tense and defensive in his back. He was reluctant to go forward. We could tell he was uncomfortable somewhere. Dr Christine worked on Rhymer the end… Read more “Rhymer”

Kelly K.

Prince and Nikko

Nikko and Prince

Prince and Nikko earn their keep as trail horses. I noticed the boys were having some “problems”. I had used an equine chiropractor in Colorado. An internet search led me to Dr. Christine Woodford. Prince, owned by Lisa K., was always mean and crabby towards his pasture mates. When Dr. Christine examined him she found… Read more “Prince and Nikko”

Lisa K. & Teri J.



Blaze is a 14 year old, all around grade pony. This summer, Blaze seemed off. His lope wasn’t as smooth as usual and he was hitting poles on the left side. I heard about Dr. Christine and thought I would try chiropractic. His lope smoothed up and he stopped hitting poles. He even won the… Read more “Blaze”

Amy T.



Dr. Christine adjusted my Rocky Mountain Horse, Lucy, at 3G Stables in Ames. Lucy slipped going down a hill on a trail ride in August and strained her right chest/shoulder. A month later Lucy appeared sound and had been working well, But I still didn’t think she was back to herself yet. The chiropractic adjustment… Read more “Lucy”

Ginny M.



Famous Horse Farm shows all-around performance horses. She’s Fancy and Famous, “Sadie” and White Silk Stockings, “Lucy” have both benefited from treatment by Dr. Christine. Sadie was having loping issues and Dr. Christine injected her hocks and it really improved her lope! She also gave us some exercises to do with Sadie to strengthen her… Read more “Sadie”

George and Becky M. - Famous Horse Farm



Hel On Socks, aka “Tuffy” is a six year old Quarter Horse. We raised him and Eric trained him. Tuffy is out of a full sister to a gelding that Eric ran and won many barrel races on. I purchased Tuffy’s sire in South Dakota as a weanling and won some money on him. As… Read more “Tuffy”

Carla B.



My Peruvian Paso gelding came to Dr. Woodford for treatment a few weeks ago. He had been examined and treated by three equine veterinarians and one chiropractor over a 9 month period in Arizona. I was very close to putting him down. After that many opinions and months of various treatments, I was to the… Read more “Viento”

Ann A.


My 9 year old APHA gelding, Chex N Checkers (a.k.a. Loper) responded very well to Magna Wave therapy.  I show him in All Around events so his days at the show are long.  Loper tends to get tight and sore in his right shoulder, especially on the first day of a show.  Lunging and riding… Read more “Loper”



“We first met Dr. Christine in the early summer 2010 after a friend from our Mounted Shooting Horse club recommended her to us for our horses. Initially Dr. Christine worked on our son’s mare Breeze. Breeze at the time was a 10 year old very athletic mare; we had Chiropractic work done on her in… Read more “Breeze”

The Vespermans
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